Goddam. That’s an old, big, reamer. Looks like it’s for hand reaming wood. Modern reamers for metal are very different.
The funny thing is, that’s the perfect tool to ream a bunghole for a good fit for a plug.
Goddam. That’s an old, big, reamer. Looks like it’s for hand reaming wood. Modern reamers for metal are very different.
The funny thing is, that’s the perfect tool to ream a bunghole for a good fit for a plug.
Those are true, non-addictive, psychedelics and the world would be a better place if more people were given them with a proper guide. Ketamine is significantly different and addictive.
Deleted. Weird edit duplicate.
I’m sorry for your loss. They murdered your mother for profit and it enrages me. I’ve personally suffered at the bloody hands of the insurance companies as well. The insurance companies fill me with a cold deep rage. I hope all their leaders know fear before they come to their end.
I have kids as well. I’m no longer religious but I believe in Saint Luigi and pray that others are inspired by his noble actions. Truly.
If you’re willing, please share the name of the insurance company and the CEO that murdered your mother for money.
You know, it could be a little derringer. I’ve never fooled with one and don’t know a lot about them. They’re cute little toys, but they have such low utility that the danger inherent in loaded guns outweighs carrying one.
I had to order medication using crypto off a darket once, anti depressants for a loved one. I used something crazy like Kali on a cheap flash drive. It worked just fine and I felt like Hackerman.
My acid days are long gone. Psychedelics in general, actually. Mushrooms learned me enough and were a good teacher.
Take a look at double action semiautos like the Ruger LCP. I think it’s the best of both worlds.
There are older revolvers that can go off from a drop that’s just right. Modern revolvers have a safety gate that covers the pin the from the hammer except during trigger pull. IIRC, Taurus, S&W and Ruger have all had this problem in the past.
Edit. Called a transfer bar, and is pretty much standard on single and double actions.
I only made it through like one season of Handmaid’s Tale, it was too real.
Yes and no, I think.
Totally get the draw of simpler and slower paced life with fewer distractions, clear responsibilities, greater self reliance, comprehensible social and technological world…
Small pox, tuberculosis, black lung, crazy uncle locked in the woodshed, whipping and beating of children and women, pervasive religion, famines, limited food choices in winter, illiteracy, and wool underwear: not so much.
I guess everything is a trade off; but, humans certainly didn’t evolve to live in a society this complex.
I think we’d be much happier living in small interconnected communes of less than 100. Most agrarian, with some dedicated to manufacturing or medicine or whatever. Stable and smaller population size. Don’t know if we could produce microchips, chemical synthesis, satellites, and high tech modern staples. Maybe we could. Sounds like heaven.
This is what happens when you don’t use crypto as god intended: purchasing medication from India and subscriptions to indexers.
Purchase Bitcoin right before purchase. Watch the spare change left over go up and down and imagine all the millions you could be winning or losing.
Huh. Neat! Seems like a labor intensive way to produce hay, guess modern baleing technology has made them obsolete. (By modern, I think square hay balers happened in 18XX sometime and were horse or mule drawn.) Probably was real expensive until sometime last century.
Got a picture of a millstone I recently found but Lemmy isn’t letting me upload it right now. I love old tech.
Is the grass for livestock bedding or roof thatching? Wouldn’t think it would be enough for hay/feeding.
Those lesser traveled locations probably have lower rates of vandalism. Also, lower budgets, glass is cheaper than acrylic or polycarb.
Either possibility is equally funny!
Crazy. That’s effectively prohibition, and we all know what that does to black and grey markets.
I have given up on trying to fight my nicotine addiction. Vape with homemade liquid because I’m cheap and I want to know what’s in it. Smoke pipes and occasionally a cigar as I really love tobacco. May grow my own tobacco at some point just to play with it. (From the US)
Anyhow, potato vines contain useful amounts of nicotine that can be extracted and used in e-liquid. Atomizers can be easily made from nichrome wire. If you can’t get it direct, guitar strings can be a source of wire after burn off. Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol are easy to get anywhere.
Holy shit! At that point, you could probably turn a profit growing shitty tobacco in a greenhouse and selling it black market.
That’s a different one, Boebert, giving handies at all-ages musicals. This one, Green, fucked her CrossFit trainer or something.
Perjury Trailer Queen > Marjory Taylor Green.
Developer’s needs are pretty simple, however. Keep clean straw for bedding, fresh coffee, and unimpeded access to an Ethernet jack. Your developer can have gummy worms or beer in small quantities, as a treat. Of course, the bulk of their diet should be ramen/developer chow. A simple correction, such as deleting system32 or not properly shutting down Linux, is usually all that is needed. They’ll provide you with years of faithful service.
Adopt a developer today!
The 12 horse noxious fume generator got me.
I’m in these pictures and I accept it.