Like it wasn’t “damaged” before, even from the start… It has always been bad.
Like it wasn’t “damaged” before, even from the start… It has always been bad.
ON a flood?
Yeah, this is one of the few (in relation to the vast amount of slop) where it’s just awesome and I’m happy the tech behind it exists. It’s a great combination of several people’s work (original photo, edited photo, the makers of the AI itself and the person who put it all together), and it’s easily one of the most flawless animated AI things I’ve seen. No uncanny valley like there usually is. And the coolness of Luigi portrayed like that just by itself. Just superb on so many levels!
Just the way we like it, yay!
It’s more like supporting “open to all” maker spaces. Many contribute to what’s there and its existence itself.
I feel they didn’t intend the picture at all, they found themselves in that situation and their SO, roommate or whatever took it.
Phones with cameras =/= Smartphones.
Not sure what you were trying to say with your comment, nothing you wrote is relevant to Smartphones not existing in the early 00s.