Damn, I would be pissed if my car started showing ads. I hope this enshitification doesn’t spread.
Damn, I would be pissed if my car started showing ads. I hope this enshitification doesn’t spread.
You still think no recession is an option?
These people are so delusional.
There’s no right or wrong, just follow your interests. It’s your life. Relationships are not much of a drain I find, but children are more demanding. There are benefits that can make your life better, if you find the right person to pair up with.
Hey everyone, keep your eyes peeled for glue that looks like drops! It can be a real eye opening experience if you make that mistake.
He must have had it all planned out.
It might be tricky to get the mone…candy, but it sure will be a hoot.
I think all the handlers who might explain things to him are probably gone.
Right. How many people does it take to blanket fire people? I could write a batch file to do it with more skill.
I guess that makes a little sense in a simple world. So, higher prices it is.
We can hear about the great economy while in the soup line with red hats.
Not sure, maybe the Germans have one?
Good to know.
I honestly don’t understand the point of these tariffs.
If you can’t beat them, cheat them.
He’s already screwed the country in countless ways in a month. Why can’t he sign one of those executive orders for egg prices? Subsidize egg prices with all the money he’s supposedly saving? He’s already ignoring laws and courts, I have difficulty believing he is helpless.
Fentanyl, right. One thing I know is that he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else’s well-being.
Spawn The Album. Such great collabs! https://tidal.com/album/33972202?u
The Horse Whisper https://open.spotify.com/album/5TkEej0XgyiQyWHfXwrE9w
And a huge fucking mistake to elect him again. Unbelievable really.