Doubt Melania would agree
Doubt Melania would agree
Aw poor babies maybe they shouldn’t have voted for a selfish worthless puppet manchild
This man is one of the most pathetic human beings to ever walk the earth
Damn he’s so self aware /s
Good let’s make it another 200 billion EACH and even then that won’t be enough as they’ll all still have hundreds of billions of dollars which is absolutely insane
Everyone should ditch chrome
Whether it’s a crashing stock market or inflation both are going to cause your money to become worthless and both can be fixed with time but with crashing stock market if companies don’t rebound in the end and go out of business during the depression then your money is lost forever. At least with inflation there’s a chance it’ll resolve and you’ll have money again in the end.
Overwatch didn’t even make the cut! Good job boys n girls
Glad you got it out! And glad you didn’t buy the dip before it dipped even harder. Definitely don’t think now is the time to be playing the stock market game unless you have extra money laying around to gamble with.
“We the people. . .” yah sure magat
Ah shit dicks Luigi
For reals please don’t use chrome it’s a terrible browser
We should package Elon up and ship him to the Ukrainian front lines to fight the good fight
Good thing I sold off my entire 401k last month 30 years early in anticipation of the market taking a massive dump
Serious clown energy
For real things really changed in the last handful of years
Nice! All of my Reddit accounts got banned this week too! Including one that hadn’t even made a post in over 6 months!
Enshitification complete!
Learn how to read