“walled sphere”…
Right, right…
Ice wall around the flat circle maybe… But I’ve been told I can’t find out anyway, too dangerous.
I’m the king. Of jalopies.
“walled sphere”…
Right, right…
Ice wall around the flat circle maybe… But I’ve been told I can’t find out anyway, too dangerous.
My father in law has guns from 1800s that still function. I’m not a gun person at all but I am into my father in law liking me because I love his daughter and she loves his will lol. We’ve gone to the range to shoot them and they’re being left to me eventually in almost certain. I appreciate that something that old is still kicking around and will be mine out of some sense of love or whatever but I’ll prolly just sell them and use the money for my daughter’s college or whatever but I guess the point of this useless paragraph is they can last many lifetimes if properly cared for. He’s not a big gun guy either but they were passed down to him and are “collectors items” I guess.
All good. It can totally drive itself.
Which suddenly also burst into flames and cut to black almost immediately.
Beheaded by the monarch of shitty vehicles.
Yo dawg, I heard you like tarriffs…
Edit - Sorry… I’m usually better than that
They wouldn’t necessarily move into your computer. They live on your bed because they eat blood. They would starve in your computer. They need humans to survive but they can survive for very long periods of time without eating so who knows? I rarely see them away from anywhere humans are usually relaxing. I’ve seen them behind picture frames and in the cracks of night stands but can honestly say I’ve never looked at a computer. I have checked cable boxes in hotels but never seen them there. Make of that what you will I suppose.
I would not put it past don’t of these morons to attach smoke machines to their toy trucks
If you wear the included depends
I played Casper babypants for my kid when she was young. He was the singer of the presidents of the United States of America and it’s honestly just pusa music but a little more kiddie like. Absolute bangers plus my kid live pusa now.
Yeah I didn’t see that good catch
Now that was a good answer. So many bands in one!
I don’t want to discourage you or anything by the way, but these fuckers are very hard to control. One of the only bugs that can cause actual psychosis just from fear of them alone. They aren’t dangerous as far as disease and stuff go but they can cause serious mental distress. Again, of you want some recommendations on products you can try I’m happy to help but you might not be able to purchase some of them without a license.
Oh if there’s that many rooms I would say it’s just gonna be a recurring issue unless they have hired a pest company to deal with this. I have a hotel account that I treat regularly. They have a legal obligation to do so if a customer complains but this is California. When we do find actual evidence of bed bugs we treat every room within 3 doors of that room even if it’s only the one room. They are prolific breeders and unless it’s being professionally addressed I wouldn’t risk it if you can avoid it.
I treat the entire hotel once a month and I still go there at least twice a month to address bed bugs when customers complain. Granted, at a hotel people are constantly coming and going and bringing them with them so it’s a constant battle.
Personally, I would find somewhere else unless the owner is proactively taking care of it. If not, you’ll be going through this more than once I can almost guarantee it.
There’s are a few reasonable responses in this thread but I’m a post control professional. If you want to feel free to message me and I’d be glad to tell you what you can do that will actually get rid of them. Diatomaceous Earth isn’t gonna cut it and cold will do nothing. You need heat and chemicals. They have likely laid eggs in the Tufts, or piping of the mattress. Pesticides won’t penetrate eggs so there is no one time treatment that will cure this. Even if you kill what’s alive you need to kill what hatches after before they lay more eggs. Insect growth regulators will also help. It will take time, patience, and professional grade products. If you can get your hands on crossfire or temprid those work best for bed bugs.
I just left a comment 2 years ago or so that got me permanently banned and came here and never looked back. Can’t get my wife to switch because there’s not enough stuff here. She got an account but just went back 2 days later.
Lady Gag
Green jello
Poo fighters
Notorious P.I.G.
System of a downs
I could do this all day lol
There is no war in (that avatar city I can’t remember)