we will see how long that lasts for, i suppose.
we will see how long that lasts for, i suppose.
Murder has been ok? When?
Maybe for criminals, or witches if you like the salem witch trials, but last i checked everybody hates those.
it’s definitely interesting, personally i dont really care what you do as long as it’s consistent, if you think what luigi did is based, then sure, but you better also say that murder is based. Otherwise you’re being hypocritical.
People just want to pick and choose who dies, which again, if you like murder, by all means, please.
thats not actually all that true, spread usually tends to respect borders a little bit, but only because those borders are generally a choke point. Usually spread is going to be via things like planes and airports, which tend to uh, bypass them. Although i wonder how much livestock flies by plane.
It also depends on how it spreads, there are a few theories, one is due to the migratory behavior of birds, and if that goes over canada, that could very well be the case, but it’s not strictly clear how it’s even managing to spread right now.
NOW we’re talking, finally, people are starting to figure out how this whole thing works.
could be for good reason, there’s a huge bird flu outbreak in the US right now, plus the US also has really strict egg washing laws, so depending on where these eggs are going, and assuming that it isn’t just eggs, which is likely, it could make sense.
how well known is the sub? Are we talking like, 30 users, or like 300k users.
daily reminder that you can just use they/them in place of he/her she/him pronouns because that’s literally a designed feature of the english language.
oh shit my fellow db0 instancers, i’m here too!
i mean yeah, generally when a society idolizes a killer, it’s not for a particularly good reason (society wise)
and before anybody tries to yap about it, no there would only be a potential long term benefit to this kind of thing, slight shift in politics, maybe on the extreme end a government uprising, which will take many a year to come to fruition, and cause many years of instability. Generally these kinds of things only bring short term problems, when acted upon, humans are just animals, the salem witch trials happened for a reason, if left unchecked, this would turn into a bloodbath very quickly. Lots and lots of people would die. most of them not billionaires.
this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.
this is just some autistic shit from musk most likely.
technically, originally the GPS system was private, until made public, where it had error obfuscation, until semi recently it was released fully.
It was originally funded by the US government, still is, it’s just publicly accessible now.
(the original usecase being for shit like ICBMs and what not, obviously)
GPS? You mean the technology that we as a country collective maintain? And have continued to maintain since it’s immediate inception?
Yeah, ok.
Call me when you start using glonass.
yeah that sounds about right, im guessing it’s not exactly public facing either, probably an off platform thing if i had to guess. It’d be wild to be posting that shit directly on the sub though.