What will they launch on? Star Link is barely feasible because they can launch at cost on falcon 9.
What will they launch on? Star Link is barely feasible because they can launch at cost on falcon 9.
Thanks! Sounds like limiting risk from the California bill is a plausible reason, but it isn’t confirmed.
Legal Definitions of “Selling Data” Under the CCPA Are Broad: As noted above, the CCPA’s definition encompasses many data-sharing practices that may not align with common understanding of “selling data”.[16] Even if Mozilla was not directly selling user data, its search partnerships, telemetry data sharing, & sponsored content could have been interpreted as data sales if Mozilla received any financial benefit from them, all of which were actions that Mozilla has already been transparent & upfront about.
Mozilla’s Search Engine Deals Could Be Considered Data Sales: As mentioned earlier, these partnerships could legally qualify as data sales under the CCPA definition, despite being an existing part of Mozilla’s business model that consumers are already aware of.[1]
Sponsored Content in Firefox’s New Tab Page Involves Data Exchange: Mozilla dReferencesisplays sponsored content and ads on the Firefox New Tab page, which may involve user interaction data being shared with advertisers.[11] Even if the data is anonymized, the CCPA considers certain types of aggregated data as personal information if it can be linked back to users.[16]
Do they share location data without asking though? Google has an incentive to exaggerate.
The story I heard was that by of California’s definition of selling data, doing anything with user data that could benefit the company was considered selling data. So they updated their FAQ to be in line with that definition. But I could be wrong, if someone could point me to a good article I’d appreciate it.
The temporary restraining order was filed weeks ago, and they should go into effect immediately. So it’s actually absurd that they were able to delay it this long.
I’ve found the computers are fine.
I think this got a lot harder when they shut down the API.
BO and dynetics proposals also weren’t great. The path to reusability was really fishy.
You left off Hitler being impressed by Henry Ford.
For long form,
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Defunctland, 30m to 1h45m videos on defunct theme parks and rides https://youtube.com/@defunctland
Your dinosaurs are wrong, 15m to 1h45m videos on comparing toy dinosaurs to the most up to date research https://youtube.com/@yourdinosaursarewrong
2nd on Drachinifel, 7m to 1h45m videos on naval History https://youtube.com/@drachinifel
Perun, 1h videos on defense economics https://youtube.com/@perunau
Diplo Strats, 2h to 6h videos on diplomacy the board game, like risk on massive steroids https://youtube.com/@diplostrats
Yeah I’m familiar with Ariane 6. It costs almost double what SpaceX changes external customers per launch, not even counting that their internal rate would be even lower. Plus you’d need more launches since the payload capacity is lower. You’d end up paying 3x or more the cost. At that point, why not just buy falcon 9 launches? Otherwise it seems like there’d be very little way to compete.