I interpret top level comments as responses to OP unless they say something otherwise.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
I interpret top level comments as responses to OP unless they say something otherwise.
I don’t get what your comment is getting at. I don’t view this post as saying anything special or unique about the notification. I see it as a warning that Firefox is now doing this.
Sending telemetry like crashes and what features you use/don’t use isn’t really in the same category as using location data for marketing purposes. It’s a very important distinction to draw.
Alright gang, what are some good open source Firefox forks available on Android and Linux?
Yes. Until pretty recently Java didn’t contain unlimited strength encryption algorithms by default because of this/not getting around to updating
I’m not gonna dig deeper, but it seems like the actual policy change was as late as 2011 based on the comment, but they didn’t get around to changing it for another few years.
Did you call dibs?
How can you say “flawed due to its reliance on people” with a straight face? We are people. Anything we create will “rely on people” in some way. Even if we make some machine to rule us, if it messes up, well, “it’s flawed because it was made by people.”
Unless you mean something different, which could very well be the case. Maybe you mean that democracy relies as people as a group while autocracy relies on an individual person or something?
This is an extremely nuanced topic with thousands of mitigating factors affecting it in the real world and subjective definitions about what “power” means. “Doomed to fail?” What sort of a loaded question is this? Isn’t every civilization “doomed” to fail given the ultimately finite nature of life? If a democracy does fall to an autocratic uprising or another autocratic civilization, was it “doomed” to be so?
This question is just way way way way way too broad and to expect any sort of narrow or succinct answer. I don’t believe we can really say any form of government is more “powerful” than others or that any are “doomed” to fail (or we can be reductive and say they all are).
Haunting of Hill House was really good.
I need to not poop for three days.
Rare Fediverse Chick 😱
That’s weird, I always viewed GPS as a form of American Imperialism. Sure, it’s a bit extreme maybe, but America does own and operate it and jam it when enemies try to use it.
You don’t get to decide what’s identifiable and what’s not. How do you know the useful information isn’t identifying?
It doesn’t matter. If someone believes they’ve linked too much and wants to delete it, they should be able to. If someone wants to delete their content for any reason they should be able to.
The post is really about abandoning the tech oligarchy more than specifically using federated technology.
It was licensed under CPAL which is an approved license by both the FSF and OSI.