It’s just meat based ddos.
What a fascinating sentence.
It’s just meat based ddos.
What a fascinating sentence.
It’s definitely more nuanced than the out of context quote sounds, but not by much. He stated that he believes human empathy is being exploited so that people act against their own interests, which he believes will lead to a societal collapse.
He is a shitstain who is justifying hatred behind pretty standard white-supremicist talking points (the illegals are destroying our country, and we’re letting them do it because we’ve been taught to care about others!), but the argument is nuanced enough that we should consider it’s context. Let’s not sink to their level of engaging with headlines taken out of context. Let’s be angry about the problems with what he actually said, as opposed to the grossly simplified headline.
What conclusion are you proposing that I came to? My only statement was that denying Western media in favor of Eastern media is not “leftist.” Everything else you and Dessalines have attempted to drag into this discussion is creating either a false dichotomy or a strawman, in some cases both. The options are not “either you listen to PoC or you listen to Western Media,” because not all Western Media nor people of colour agree on every position. Whatever imaginary propaganda you are creating about the State suggesting that China is torturing minorities this minute is not something I have experienced, nor referenced. We have not presented the arguments that you are trying to deconstruct.
You are boxing with shadows, throwing fists with invisible monsters in the dark. I’m not sure if it’s our of poor reading comprehension, poor critical thinking skills, or intentional dishonesty, but there’s clearly a bias here that is useless to engage with.
So instead, we should trust… The other ogliarchic and blatantly fascist empires?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think unapologetic fascism is “leftist.”
There are a lot of genuine answers to this, but the simplest one is perhaps the best: because who decides which authority is correct?
Authoritarianism is bad because it gives justification to our bias’.
The “good” authorities you think of when you ask this question are authorities not because they are authorities, but because they have the knowledge/training/practice/experiences that give them a greater expertise on a given subject. Authoritarianism supposes that, those things aside, there’s something inherently good about someone in a position of authority. This is factually incorrect.
We (are supposed to) grant authority to those that earn it, and use it responsibility. Likewise we (are supposed to) strip it away from those that abuse it, or fail to maintain strong standards of ethics and practice. Authoritarianism, as a school of thought, discards that process, instead suggesting that the authority is the authority because people need that in their lives. Fuck that.