Now that I think about it, this totally could work with a few minor changes. How aboot y’all become the 11th province of Canada.
Now that I think about it, this totally could work with a few minor changes. How aboot y’all become the 11th province of Canada.
Someone’s being a pissbaby because nobody wants to buy stuff from fascists. Lul.
This makes me think he just has no idea what a boycott is, because for it to be illegal, purchasing a Tesla would some how have to be legally mandate.
Annd it’s caused by use of contaminated manure (or contaminated runoff water), so buying organic doesn’t really help. Buying hydroponic or compost-only (veganic) would, though, but that’s probably not available at most supermarkets, and there would be a significant cost premium.
On the other hand, not getting listeria does sound pretty good too.
And of course the problem’s source is mass animal agriculture, so stopping eating animals would be a step in the right direction regardless.
IIRC, someone was talking about their p2p text only 4chan clone recently. I forget what it was called though.
Edit: found it.
Isn’t the issue that regardless of the rule of law, Trump can always appeal, and the supreme court can grant a writ of certiorari to hear the appeal. So if the supreme court is corrupt enough then anything goes?
I’m not American, so I might be misunderstanding how the appeals process works.
I suppose this’d still be true with or without that previous ruling as well, but it does seem lay groundwork for further expansion, and the SC probably would want their rulings to look somewhat plausible so the lower courts don’t rebel en masse.