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Nah :/ I’m getting better but I still struggle with not being aggressive like this. That person thinks I want Palestinians dead though, so they can go fuck themself :3 nothing pisses me off more then leftist infighting, and they do it over l i t e r a l l y n o t h i n g. I literally just said I don’t like .ml instances, that’s why they called me a zionist. I hope they learn to stop being a cunt who things it’s ok to say people love genocide out of nowhere. Real shit, they could’ve just apologized for it, but nah, they doubled down and insisted I was being a dick for not taking kindly to LITERALLY BEING CALLED A ZIONIST FOR NO REASON.
I didn’t do anything to earn getting called a Zionist, I literally just said I don’t like how toxic ml instances tend to be. Me not liking to be called a Zionist is not at all comparable to them calling me a zionist. They started this, and again, they could’ve easily ended it by apologizing and moving on. I even gave them the chance to do so and they refused. Hopefully they realize it’s not good to call comrades zionists out of pocket <3
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"Palestinian protestors chose to discourage voters from voting for “genocide Joe”. " there were a bunch who didn’t tho. Afaik most pro-palestine protestors voted for Kamala, including Palestinians. And again, even if they’re a small group (I’m pretty sure they’re the majority) why are you bringing it up in every discussion about Palestine? Do you think we were all vocally against Biden, or are you saying nobody should’ve protested the genocide in the first place, or shouldn’t have blamed it on Biden?
You only give a shit insofar at you can use it as a bludgeon to beat every Palestinian over the head with. Unless there some other reason why you’re so desperate to remind people “Palestinians deserve this for supporting Trump” multiple times on multiple posts?
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It’s not even that deep down anymore cx at this point dems are literally at/right of Reagan on a ton of issues, and certainly more supportive of Israel
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So this is why liberals don’t give a shit about this?
Damn y’all really are straight evil. “Some of these people didn’t side with me politically, so fuck all of them” literally not even trying to beat the “left wing of fascism” allegations.
First they came for the Palestinians. I didn’t speak out because some of them voted for Trump so fuck all of them. You know how the rest goes, and hopefully you’re smart enough to know that that supporting or staying silent on this is horrible for everyone, even wh-te l-berals like you
No, most of the bad things I’ve heard about the F-35 come from stories and reports of how they break down and malfunction a lot more often than other fighter jets. Is that just made up by Sprey and the reports of it not working are just lies?
One is an example of a team of people doing what elon’s dumb solution shouldn’t. The F-35 isn’t a solution to anything other than funneling tax dollars to Lockheed, and he’s dumb for thinking drones will replace everything, but not much more stupid than people seriously defending and advocating for the F-35 to replace everything, let alone anything
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