Fascist states should be shutdown. The federal employee unions agree btw
Fascist states should be shutdown. The federal employee unions agree btw
Yeah you do.
We’ve seen your browser history.
They can’t pass it. There are Republicans who won’t vote for it either.
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Oh, but there IS a national bankruptcy filing, little brainless Timmy.
You’re not going to like that at all.
Expected, no. Surprised, also no.
You’re right, everyone that doesn’t demand she has sex with a child on screen is a filthy casual. Absolutely absurd of people to base their image of the character on its most popular forms, the movie and anime.
Yes, partly because there’s still competition for the territory.
A genre built in the 80’s and 90’s, a commentary on the inevitable path of neoliberalism?
No way!
The baseline, no. The thinkers are just trying to restablish slavery.
Let them do it, then point and laugh and don’t let them back into civilization.
Mental health assessments are weaponized against black and brown labs.
Wait, no, that’s a coffee stain. On the screen.
She wasn’t the problem with Ghost though, at least outside the whitewashing aspect. Probably the best part of it tbh. Movie was just mid all around.
Giovanni Gentile being otherwise known as the philosopher of fascism and the guy putting ideas straight into Mussolini’s brain. Whether it’s a paraphrase or direct translation, the idea itself is certainly covered by the more famous “everything within the state” quote and describes an undeniable goal of fascism.
They picked some good frogs to test this on
We know it’s safe, because the greenhouse effect is a liberal lie.
They were never competition, exactly. NASA doesn’t make spacecraft, they buy and sometimes modify them from industrial concerns and always have.
What they did do was be a federal space agency, with all that implies otherwise, which means a private company can’t charge premium rates to do the things that absolutely have to happen that they were doing.
This is the privatization and militarization (through the inevitability of Space Force absorbing some responsibility) of space.
Y’all keep thinking liberal means progressive and wondering why things keep getting worse.