That guy’s mental health reached rock bottom years ago. He has been digging ever since.
That guy’s mental health reached rock bottom years ago. He has been digging ever since.
Exactly. It could be back to the level it was 1 month ago in 1 month from now if Trump does a complete 180 to his approach (doubtful and yet somewhat still believable) just like it could take 10 years.
Oh it will definitely bounce back up eventually. No idea when this will happen though.
A businessman who has bankrupted casinos and had to be bailed out by his rich family and screwing over his creditors on several occasions.
Mine haven’t. I pulled my money out a month ago when I saw that the new Trump presidency wasn’t going to be like the first one.
That’s just the normal procedure to check your oil on a German luxury car
Maybe they should try more tariffs. More tariffs will fix it definitely.
In parallel universes where he wasn’t born of a rich family, Trump is a car salesman. This is our universe trying to find balance.
Oh! Oh! Can Canada get its aerospace engineers and industry back? We’ve been missing them ever since the Avro Arrow project got cancelled by American pressure and they all ended up in NASA.
Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result
I was suspecting he was collapsing the market on purpose too. But his mental breakdown about it last night on social media suggests he simply is arrogantly incompetent and delusional.
He’s blaming Biden for the decline while claiming that his tariffs are going to save the economy. Those tariffs are exactly what is causing the decline in the first place, especially with the moronic way he is trying to implement them that is driving investors and business away from the US. He will drive the US economy into the ground until his entourage turns on him.
I wonder how his fans will react to that. Will they get angry that their idol buys a “woke” electric car or will they suddenly wish they could afford one too?
He’s like someone rocking back and forth in the corner of a padded room repeating to himself that “the tariffs will save the economy” and “the tariffs will make us billions” over and over again while those tariffs, especially the way he tries to use them, are the very thing that is destroying the economy.
This man will cling to his delusions that the problems their economy is having right now are caused by his predecessors and keep doubling down in doing the very thing that is sinking the economy, completely incapable of admitting fault, until his entourage finally turns on him.
I’m giving him another month if the stocks continue tanking at the rate they currently are. The collapse has sped up today.
He’s either completely senile or doing Putin’s bidding by destroying whatever is left of the US’s international credibility.
The funny thing is that if Trump starts attacking him, it will have the opposite effect in Canada and will win him votes. I wonder if Trump is too braindead to realize that. We’ll see tomorrow.
McDonald’s couldn’t even get AI to take drive-through orders properly. Musk wants it to run the government without even doing a test run first.
4 days ago in a conversation with Trump Trudeau said he didn’t know when the elections will take place in Canada. Trump immediately jumped to the conclusion that “Trudeau is using the tariffs to stay in power” and raised a big public stink about it, not once realizing that what Trudeau meant is that the date of the elections (which will have to happen before October of this year no matter what) was completely out of his hands because he was about to step down as prime minister. How the fuck did Trump not know that? It’s not like it was a secret or anything. Everyone knew Trudeau was going to step down today except him.
Wanna bet Trump will be once again confused by this transition and will call it a “coup” now?
There is no 200 IQ 4D chess plan. He just wings it as he goes. He says and does whatever “feels good” to him at the moment with zero regards to consequences, consistency or truth. He doesn’t consult experts, he doesn’t study anything because he thinks he knows everything about everything already. He is simply lucky when things go his way and is really good at shifting blame when they don’t.
I’m pretty sure VW made a declaration similar to that a few years ago.