And to think, the Boston Tea Party was over the modern equivalent of a $1.40 per pound tax on tea.
And to think, the Boston Tea Party was over the modern equivalent of a $1.40 per pound tax on tea.
My love for unions eclipses my hatred for the TSA on this one.
The message was clear. It’s purely corporate propaganda that it wasn’t.
The lack of leadership was intentional because left leaders tend to go the way of Fred Hampton.
JIMMY CARTER: “Well, as you may know, I had a policy when I was president of not selling weapons if it would exacerbate a potential conflict in a region of the world, and some of our allies were very irate about this policy. And I have to say that I was not, you know, as thoroughly briefed about what was going on in East Timor as I should have been. I was more concerned about other parts of the world then.”
That sounds like a completely believable explanation to me. I can completely believe that that the military advisors didn’t give him the full picture of what was happening there.
On the optimistic side, I think it’s likely a gene treatment is developed that greatly extends the lives of dogs.