Time for a presidential pardon?
Time for a presidential pardon?
These were the same ding-a-lings that couldn’t seem to make up their mind whether it was “just like the flu” (people were only dying “with” Covid, not from it) and any concern about it was just drummed up by “the media” and Fauci to ruin little d’s chances of re-election and kill all of our freedoms to go vaxless and maskless to super-spreader events, OR an intentional thing from Fauci/Soros/Gates working with the Chinese to kill everyone.
I mean, even in their own bullshit fictional universe, things don’t fit together. I have no idea how so many of these people manage to conduct the rest of their lives, but I cannot imagine living in those heads of theirs.
Most of them have no moral compass and/or have zero awareness of just how fucking stupid all of them look.
We are in such a crazy timeline.
This is the kind of shit you’d see on some forum. If the forum was moderated, they’d eventually get booted.
When I was debating fucking morons like this, I never suspected that one of these assholes would be put in charge of our fucking health. It’s just so insane.
It makes much more sense when you understand the differences between the Northern version of freedom vs. the Southern version of freedom. These asshats think of freedom as the freedom to rule over others.
Right. They worked very well for the companies!
Thank goodness we had a corporate media that not also did nothing to instruct on this, but played lots of stupid bothsiderist games for the horse race.
Not to mention lots of so-called leftists telling Americans to either sit out or do a protest vote because something something Gaza, BidenSoOld and KamalaSameAsBiden.
It’s weird how the hardcore wingnuts were constantly jabbering about “Big Tech” and making noises about “Hunter’s hard-drive laptop” just a few short years ago. They could never define this “Big Tech” other than to make hooting noises about how they were “censoring” the crazy right wing. They didn’t really know what they were going on about, but boy, they were mad about it. Because laptop.
Now they seem to be all-in with whatever the fuck “Big Tech” wants for them, because, what? They think it will own the libs? Just what the fuck do they think billionaires are going to do for the average redcap but put them out of work and yank any and all government services that will help them or their families?
When I see some photo-op involving little d and fElon, I wonder how much ketamine, cocaine and Adderall is coursing through their veins…
“No one wants to work”
Can be applied to the parasitic idle rich like little d and fElon far more than anyone else.
Think how much money are could have if we just euthanized people at retirement age.
Can we make it cool like Carousel?
The Republicans are nothing if not petty little babies.
Haven’t demons like Paul Ryan had their entire political career motivated by ending Social Security? It’s not like the Republicans’ desire to kill old people is any secret…
Huh, so weird.
A bunch of terrorists storm the Capitol and try to end democracy; they get a pardon. Property damage on shitty cars? Terrorism.
If ding-a-ling keeps it up, he just might be on track for wiping out all gains since his hyperventilating last year.
Watching these LYING LIARS from his admin and in Congress and from State Media claiming that Biden handed him the worst economy, and how it’s been a “terrible four years” is a real exercise in next-level gaslighting. They are saying this right as little d does his tariff game to crash the markets.
Well, shit just got real and State Media is about keeping an eye on THEIR money, too. If they are not cut in on the market manipulation/intentional cratering and subsequent buying out things for pennies on the dollar, that is.
LOL, when in doubt blame it on lugenpresse, oops, I mean the “fake news”.
It’s not that you are a fucking idiot and/or a fucking LIAR, it’s that the question came from AP.
So weird. SpaceX’s competition? Getting attacked by little d and fElon?
Who could have imagined?
HAHAHAA. Perfect reference. 🤣