Eh, if a hacker has physical access to your file cabinet, you’ve got way bigger issues.
Eh, if a hacker has physical access to your file cabinet, you’ve got way bigger issues.
Sure, but keep this in mind… The logistics for a single part give it a larger carbon footprint than that same part when it is shipped as part of a whole product. I’m not sure where the break-even point is, but repairing the laptop will eventually exceed the carbon footprint of a new machine, before the machine is completely replaced. Generally, it’s better to build for longevity than repairability. I can’t say at that Apple hardware is built to last longer, but that is certainly a claim I’ve seen other people make based on their experience.
The ability to read does not necessarily mean literate.
No laptop is environmentally friendly. Old statistics, but last time I checked, the carbon footprint for a laptop has basically a train car full of coal. I think Apple was a pretty early adopter of RoHS though. As for updates that slow down the device… Their main competitor is guilty of this too. In October, basically every windows device made before 2016 is going to need to be replaced, disconnected from the internet, or upgraded to Linux.
For comparison, there was a 6% drop in the market in early August, and the market closed the end of the month up 2.4%
He hasn’t got the charisma, the financial sense, or trustworthiness to become a used car salesman.
Yet here we are.
TBF, my partner and I take all of our paperboard and spam mail up to their parents house every other weekend, and it provides enough fuel for their wood furnace to keep the house warm for a few days.
Nah. Fake. Not enough hyperbole and random made up statistics, and it’s too long.
It might actually go the Hitler route. He’s already made concentration camps for “illegal” human beings. It’s only a matter of time until they figure out that they are deporting a practically free workforce with no rights.
Especially when you consider that we’re on the precipice of an AI and ARM revolution, which is kicking off a whole new race in chip design and demand.
As the saying goes, when a gold rush hits, be the guy selling shovels.
Yet trump is here during the gold rush taking a loss on the shovels we have in order to buy the mineral rights for the air.
It only happens because WE bail them out. The biggest lesson I got from 2008 was that we should have let most of those big companies fail. Instead, they got to walk away with a fat check from us, and we got fuck all for it. Now they’re trying to cut the regulations that stop them from doing the exact same thing again.
Welcome to inelastic demand. They take a percentage of what they charge, and they have to charge more because of the tariffs, so they basically get to take more for free because you have to pay more for it, and you have no choice in the matter.
Remember, immigration is down by over 100%!
Did trump just set the new speed run for a Republican ruining the economy after a Democrat fixed it?
A petty thief can only steal what you currently have. Elon can take away things that you don’t even have yet.
It’s a helluva thing killing a man; you take all he’s got, and all he’s ever gonna have.
The overall fire risk for EVs, (including most Teslas) is pretty low, but the Cybertruck is a huge outlier here.
I mean, welcome to pretty much every Presidential campaign ever. Running on a platform of “I will rubber stamp any legislation by my party that comes across my desk, and veto everything else” just isn’t good messaging, even if that is what everyone wants anyway.
See, things like this really make want me to require some kind of test to vote. Before you all dogpile me, yes, I know it’s bad.
As if reducing the cost for suppliers reduces the cost for consumers anymore instead of just increasing the margins.
The problem with our capitalist system (other than the obvious part) is that there is no longer meaningful local competition to push prices down. Reducing the cost to produce just increases the profit. Everything today is made at least as cheap and as efficiently as it was 10 years ago, yet here we are paying more for it, while the top 1% is getting records profits.
Now is the time to shut it down. Republicans are hugely unpopular right now.