Any Dems voting with Republicans are fucked next election. Vote all centrist out. Push hard left.
Any Dems voting with Republicans are fucked next election. Vote all centrist out. Push hard left.
He’s playing the market. Tank and buy low, then you let the next admin fix it. Plus they can still blame Dems for tanking it.
Non essential is very hard to define with veterans and military.
Example: My first time at the VA, I was met by nurses and doctors. They overwelm you with information, some good info and a lot of pointless shit. A veteran that just did intake and help out walked over and explained everything in 2 seconds. We spoke the same “language” and he was priceless. I’m sure he was cut bc some asshole thought he wasn’t important enough.
VA clinic in Raleigh
I’m just throwing this out there,not saying I would do it.
If an FBI, CIA, Teacher, um…lets say delivery boy does some crazy shit to Kash. I believe I could forgive them, like jesus said to, even in a courtroom.
So which company building we burning down first? I vote for Wal-Mart.
You blocking corporate, that’s illegal. They have the right to take all your information and sell it to the highest bidder
Fuck this noise. Stand up for what you believe. It might be a negative outcome but that is how every change in history starts.
Mrs. Parks should have sat in the seat until they threatened her with the police.
Students Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Lee Scheuer, and William Shroeder should have protested until they hear the national guard was on the way.
We need to stand unitied against this threat!