If the talking Cheeto said it, it must be true. Everyone one, the best people, are saying it.
If the talking Cheeto said it, it must be true. Everyone one, the best people, are saying it.
Return to office or be fired. Sell the federal buildings. Tell the DoE to work remote….totally not for doge to do shady shit. They are sending some mixed signals here. But I’m sure his worshippers are beating their meat as hard as they can to this while staring at their lifesize Trump cutout….in a totally not gay way.
Wasn’t the talking Cheeto saying something about how good the education is in Asia a few days ago and that we need to do better. This is clearly the answer. What a fucktard.
“No”. -President Musk and comrade Trump
It’s because they still have human targets out there that are only compatible with 2g. The humans haven’t gotten their 5g implants yet.
Who pays to go around and clean all their trash up? Or do the just go “oops, sorry” and leave it.
It’s too late for you or your kids.
He will get a free Tesla…paid for by him. And he will fucking love it or else.