Ohh I see, thanks for the clarification. That part of your comment threw me off because I hadn’t heard that side of it yet, but that’s a pretty cool concept.
Ohh I see, thanks for the clarification. That part of your comment threw me off because I hadn’t heard that side of it yet, but that’s a pretty cool concept.
Another big difference is that Pavi is a twin, and her twin sister is also the avatar, so this time around there are apparently two avatars living at the same time. Looking forward to this whenever it comes out, but it seems like it won’t be finished for a while.
The relatively new 4K release is gorgeous. Love that movie.
I can’t believe that movie came out more than 25 years ago…she looks amazing.
I think the main difference is that it’s incredibly expensive to get a cultivated meat facility going at any kind of meaningful scale. It takes a long time to grow the first batch, but then you basically just need to keep it “alive” in huge vats where it can propagate, under very precise and specific conditions. But it’s much much more expensive than maintaining a herd of live animals, at least to start.
If they get the all the ratios right, I doubt there’d be much of a difference in taste. But you’re right that opposition is mostly from meat lobbyists and anti-science bullshit.
I do everything I can, with the resources I have available to me. I vote, protest, organize, regularly call my reps, donate to independent media, and engage with all my friends and family on the issues whenever possible. What else, specifically, do you suggest?
I’ve been paying close attention. I think it’s important to focus on the individual cases as they happen, acknowledge who is harmed, and not just move on to the next thing. Trump wants us frenzied and confused so we can’t focus on anything, let alone what’s coming next.
As for what I do about it, I call my representatives about each individual issue separately, so their logs show constituent interest on a variety of issues. I attend protests and engage with my local government, I volunteer, organize, and donate, and I financially support independent media outlets. Thanks for asking.
I’m just some American dude on the internet, but strategically speaking, turning on one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, a country that’s also one of our closest allies, doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. We lose their trust by betraying them, and also lose their cooperation on one of the things they do way better than us? Seems like it hurts everybody.
She’s a goddamn national treasure.
Fetterman said he’s voting for it, because of course he will. Fuck that guy.