Can confirm!
Can confirm!
Not saying it’s ok to be rude or anything bad/negative but those customer service scripts or how ever they train their employees is so degrading or just plain bad and I want to drop something heavy on my toe about it. I like to heavily roll my eyes every time. I know there’s a rhyme and reason for it (not the America common courtesy BS) so I don’t mind to be educated about it. I rather people just be human and be helpful and not treat other off put .
That dude is so lost. ::shakes head::
Welcome to the clue but just wait till you’re on our level, every fucking day.
It’s always the opposite with these weirdos.
Sounds like how the CCP develops and employees its citizens. You live where you work and you can’t escape your bubble. “Hey honey, going to go shop at google to pick up milk and then go to google to get that bookshelf you wanted. I’ll be next to google if you need anything for your new garden.”
More like the awe has disappeared and just realizing it’s always been bad?
Trump is domestic terrorism.
Excuses at this point
Omfg lol too good
Good use of this image lol. But wait till you see the time knife.
I hope I’m not reading into this too much and thinking he just wants to use Russias standard of satellite technology. L5 GPS is better accuracy. Also if you look at 3GPP’s future planning and goals, the game is to utilize all RF technology together. 5G broadcast and LoRaWAN will make sensors happens within cities and highways and that working together with GPS and cell, you can get readings about a foot or less.
Good, keep it up. Put the pain on us in the US. We need to learn our lesson.
Join my army against MAGA.