Minnesota Governor and former VP candidate Tim Walz is launching a town hall tour in Republican-held districts where representatives have stopped holding public events.
Starting in Iowa and Nebraska, he plans stops in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio. Walz says he wants to amplify voter concerns about the Trump administration and Republican policies.
He denies using the tour to prepare for a national run, instead framing it as a way to keep Democrats engaged post-election.
His team has received hundreds of invitations from local leaders.
Good job letting perfect get in the way of progress.
Tim Walz is a progressive but because he’s not calling for guillotines out of the gate you’re dismissing his credentials and record.
Stop helping the enemy divide us.
The enemy that divided us was the democratic party who made it clear they were more than willing to sabotage working class voters to ensure that policy would not move to the left. Their main prerogative is to thwart economic democracy and maintain the class dictatorship of neo liberalism that their wall street military and prison industry profiteers pay them to maintain. The enemy isnt the right its billionaire war mongering prison industry profiteers who control both parties. The democratic party by the standards of the rest of the developed world is a center right party. We don’t even have a true left opposition party in the us just two different flavors of conservative boot licking bullshit working to undermine working class consciousness and solidarity at every possible opportunity