You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.
ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.
You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.
ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.
I had a genuine question as to how that did actually fix the issue and all the replies are referring about tangentially mitigating a symotom.
You’re still not talking about your better idea. We’re all ears. Don’t hold back. What do you think we should do instead?
Step 1 : Make lobbying illegal. This you can achieve by form of petition to present the bill. Regular peaceful protests would put pressure on the approval body to pass it.
Step 2 : Introduce/Reintroduce and put power to referendums. Without a valid route to voice your vote it’s all in the wind. Methods to achieve the stand the same as before.
Step 3 : Choose your elected from your own and change your election system to a preferential one rather than a binary. This would be much easier once the first two are complete.
I am no billionaire nor a lawyer to present you any other assistance. I was not going to buy a tesla anyway because as an engineer they don’t make much logical sense to me.
Have I done this for my own country? Not yet. Why? Because my own are too busy listening to propaganda to see the glaring problems.
These are not things individuals can do this weekend. These all require the actions of the politicians that are owned by the billionaires that don’t want these changes. What are your great ideas that individual citizens can implement right now?
A petition can begin this very weekend for one.
What’s that going to do? Who is going to pay any attention to it? Certainly not the politicians owned by the billionaires. Certainly not the billionaires for whom such an action will not hurt them in any way. You’re here criticizing this protest as being ineffective, but only present alternative actions when pressed, and your supposed alternatives are even less effective. Either put up something that at least has a credible probability of helping, or STFU.
A bitter smell radiates from this response as if I am am the root cause to your issue here.
You demanded my opinion and I shared what I percieve to be the better solution. I agree that it takes more time and effort but thats the way to prevent a bunch of billionaires making a slave out of us. If you seek for everyone to agree with you than freedom of speech is nothing but a phrase in the dictionary.
Incorrect. You’re in here criticizing people actually taking action, from your armchair warrior position, admitting to not actually doing anything yourself, because… reasons.
Nobody is saying these protests are going to solve everything. Not by a long shot. But they are one of the things people can do right now that will help. Evidence? Tesla stock is down 33% in the last month, and over 50% since December. That’s hurting Muskrat directly, as evidenced by Trump shilling for Tesla from the Whitehouse.
You introduced the virus vs symptom treatment analogy. Well how about this. If you have a disease, and the only medication available to you at the moment only treats the symptoms, then you still take that medicine. You work towards getting a medication that will treat the disease, but in the meantime, you don’t turn down the one you have now, or criticize others for taking it.
I see no point in engaging in this topic any longer.
Good luck to you!
Ah yes! Get idea! Just completely change the system! Why didn’t WE think of that!
Good show! I’ll call everyone today and tell them that these protests are completely stupid and we have a better idea now
I fail to understand why exactly are you so charged about this. I am not the one who put Musk in charge.
You want something but are not prepared to do the legwork for it and resent anyone who has a different opinion than what suits you.
I fail to understand where you drew the conclusion that I’m not doing any legwork
Have a fun-tastic day, friend