I agree, but I don’t think it will be as bad as the last few times for anyone but the US. Trump has managed to piss off literally the biggest trade partners the US has, so they will happily just invest elsewhere and leave the US economy in the dust instead of trying to survive the crash together.
Don’t worry, the rest of the world will get pulled down when we really nose dive… hooray contagion.
I agree, but I don’t think it will be as bad as the last few times for anyone but the US. Trump has managed to piss off literally the biggest trade partners the US has, so they will happily just invest elsewhere and leave the US economy in the dust instead of trying to survive the crash together.
I also agree with you here.
We’ll pull the world down… but we will do significantly worse ourselves.
Yes, the global casino of interdependent pyramid schemes is extremely fragile.
Don’t worry though. Capital will print as much money, build as many prisons, and blow up as many brown people as it takes to maintain hegemony.