Big Tech designed their platforms to keep you trapped.
YouTube, X, Instagram, and TikTok aren't neutral spaces. They're businesses built on capturing your attention and data. Their algorithms, notification systems, and content policies all serve one purpose: keeping you engaged on their terms. And their terms alone. There's no freedom
Echo chambers are not bad when the echo is due to the majority opinions being in favor of basic human rights and equality. Giving voice to those that spew hate is not conducive to going anywhere except a circle.
And you will be the one deciding what constitutes hate, whose voice to cut off?
The community tends to vote with the little arrows.
And thankfully, hate is pretty easy to identify. Take any group of people, if you don’t like one in particular, the whole group, that’s hate. I don’t like trans people. I don’t like black people. See? It’s easy.
There is acceptable hate, and that’s based on human morality. I hade racists. I hate pedos.
If everyone lived with that simple philosophy in mind, love thy fellow humans, not hate (except you, pedos) then the world would be a better place.