This together with the reduction of funds for universities is the ultimate proof that the administration does not value education as fundamental for society.
Know what happens to the science and tech sectors in countries that don’t support higher education?
Thay becum dum dum.
Great! So it’s another blatantly unconstitutional order. Only Congress can cut funding to an agency or even change its name, let alone abolish it.
and yet
I have faith in congress to have no spine and do exactly what they are told by der-kommisar.
This is what you voted for protest non-voters. Congratulations.
This is what Biden solidified by refusing to prosecute Trump, refusing to stack courts, and refusing to espouse policy that would’ve won the election. Biden had a choice between beating Trump and continuing genocide, and he chose to genocide.
The leftists’ claim through this whole debacle has been that the democrats are controlled opposition, and the complete lack of resistance from democrats after Trump’s victory should make it abundantly clear to you that they were correct.
Exhibit A. Congratulations!