• Elvith Ma'for@feddit.org
    6 days ago

    There are a few of them. There’s also

    Phoney Phonetics.

    One reason why I cannot spell,
    Although I learned the rules quite well
    Is that some words like coup and through
    Sound just like threw and flue and Who;
    When oo is never spelled the same,
    The duice becomes a guessing game;
    And then I ponder over though,
    Is it spelled so, or throw, or beau,
    And bough is never bow, it’s bow,
    I mean the bow that sounds like plow,
    And not the bow that sounds like row -
    The row that is pronounced like roe.
    I wonder, too, why rough and tough,
    That sound the same as gruff and muff,
    Are spelled like bough and though, for they
    Are both pronounced a different way.
    And why can’t I spell trough and cough
    The same as I do scoff and golf?
    Why isn’t drought spelled just like route,
    or doubt or pout or sauerkraut?
    When words all sound so much the same
    To change the spelling seems a shame.
    There is no sense - see sound like cents -
    in making such a difference
    Between the sight and sound of words;
    Each spelling rule that undergirds
    The way a word should look will fail
    And often prove to no avail
    Because exceptions will negate
    The truth of what the rule may state;
    So though I try, I still despair
    And moan and mutter “It’s not fair
    That I’m held up to ridicule
    And made to look like such a fool
    When it’s the spelling that’s at fault.
    Let’s call this nonsense to a halt.”

    - Attributed to Vivian Buchan, 1966