It works great for my frequency of use. I then use “hot” if I return within an hour or two. Some mornings, I’ll scroll Top 6 hours for the main stuff and switch to hot for more pressing news while I’m having my coffee.
I just leave mine on top 6 hours, and it’s been plenty for my use, but if scaled can show me smaller communities where I might find new stuff, I’ll definitely try that!
The best thing I was told when I was a newbie:
Try sorting “all” by Top: last 6 hours.
It works great for my frequency of use. I then use “hot” if I return within an hour or two. Some mornings, I’ll scroll Top 6 hours for the main stuff and switch to hot for more pressing news while I’m having my coffee.
The next step after Hot is Scaled (similar but boosts less active/smaller communities
I just leave mine on top 6 hours, and it’s been plenty for my use, but if scaled can show me smaller communities where I might find new stuff, I’ll definitely try that!
Worth browsing All by Scaled at least once or twice a day.
Go into your settings and stick the “hide read posts” option on for improved browsing.
took me a few weeks to get to the same setting, way better.
Doing exactly that. Or “new” in my local instance.