Have you been paying attention lately? Trump has absolutely zero issues making up complete, 100% Grade-A bullshit on the fly and getting the rubes to believe it. And there are enough of those rubes to apparently force Republican congresspeople to fall in line under threats of violence. Take a look at the long list of politicians, up to and including his own Vice President, that have done a complete about-face with regards to Trump. He has shown that he absolutely can get people to listen whether it’s because they’re true believers, or if it’s out of threats of violence or leverage of his political power. Either way, they’re listening.
The CDC doesn’t control anything. They just publish data.
And they can be told by the Trump administration to publish what the Trump administration tells them to. Take a look at all of the other agencies who have had data changed or removed from government websites on Trump’s orders. The CDC would be very, very far from the first.
They can’t ban vaccines, nor can Congress, and there is no legislation that can prevent people from getting them,
Um…who says they can’t? They absolutely could pass an anti-vax bill tomorrow and have it signed by Trump and suddenly vaccines would be banned nationwide.
so whatever the darkest possible outcome is won’t do anything.
No, the darkest possible outcome is the banning of vaccines and the widespread re-emergence of diseases ranging from measles to polio. And as long as this man is in office doing irreparable damage to the scientific progress we’ve made over the past century or so, there is a very real chance of this happening.
Have you been paying attention lately? Trump has absolutely zero issues making up complete, 100% Grade-A bullshit on the fly and getting the rubes to believe it. And there are enough of those rubes to apparently force Republican congresspeople to fall in line under threats of violence. Take a look at the long list of politicians, up to and including his own Vice President, that have done a complete about-face with regards to Trump. He has shown that he absolutely can get people to listen whether it’s because they’re true believers, or if it’s out of threats of violence or leverage of his political power. Either way, they’re listening.
And they can be told by the Trump administration to publish what the Trump administration tells them to. Take a look at all of the other agencies who have had data changed or removed from government websites on Trump’s orders. The CDC would be very, very far from the first.
Um…who says they can’t? They absolutely could pass an anti-vax bill tomorrow and have it signed by Trump and suddenly vaccines would be banned nationwide.
No, the darkest possible outcome is the banning of vaccines and the widespread re-emergence of diseases ranging from measles to polio. And as long as this man is in office doing irreparable damage to the scientific progress we’ve made over the past century or so, there is a very real chance of this happening.
Reread everything you just said, realize what the CDC is, then read my comments again.