I got permabanned for reporting hateful comments on a r/conservative post that was glorifying Nazis a few weeks ago. No warning. Been on Reddit for over a decade without causing any problems. Sounds like Reddit as a corporation has picked a side
They picked a side when they let a bunch of fash shit slide on T_D in the run up to 2016. No surprise though-- tech bros rarely have a working moral compass
5 of my accts were banned last month, all at once. one got temp suspended, and a triggered a sitewide ban for the others for some "reason. theres no reason to ban all others when it was just temp suspended. but they went extra out of thier way(any old and new accts that have years of seperation between a subreddit ban(if they dint get banned immediately after getting sub banned) they banned accounts.
ex, i had 2 unused accts 5+years, and 1 recent temp suspension(then they look at other accts you were per banned from a subreddit in, and banned all of them). i had also a couple of unused throwaways that i started using from years ago(last month), and a semi-new acct that i use just in case of a ban that i dint use for 90days. and then 1 acct strictly used for 1 subreddit.
only 1 survived but its still flagged by reddit, but have no ban on it right now.
creating mroe than 1 acct just puts people at risk of getting banned.
I’ve been banned twice in the past 30 days.
I got permabanned a couple weeks ago for saying “the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi”
Like, why are you defending Nazis, spez? Huh?
It solidified Lemmy as my permanent reddit replacement. No ragrets.
I got permabanned for reporting hateful comments on a r/conservative post that was glorifying Nazis a few weeks ago. No warning. Been on Reddit for over a decade without causing any problems. Sounds like Reddit as a corporation has picked a side
They picked a side when they let a bunch of fash shit slide on T_D in the run up to 2016. No surprise though-- tech bros rarely have a working moral compass
and they allow r/conservative constantly hit the front page now, when it almost never did prior to the election.,
I got banned a few weeks back for an anti-trump post.
That account was 11 years old and I was very active over those years. But nope. Don’t talk smack about the orange god.
100% agree
5 of my accts were banned last month, all at once. one got temp suspended, and a triggered a sitewide ban for the others for some "reason. theres no reason to ban all others when it was just temp suspended. but they went extra out of thier way(any old and new accts that have years of seperation between a subreddit ban(if they dint get banned immediately after getting sub banned) they banned accounts.
ex, i had 2 unused accts 5+years, and 1 recent temp suspension(then they look at other accts you were per banned from a subreddit in, and banned all of them). i had also a couple of unused throwaways that i started using from years ago(last month), and a semi-new acct that i use just in case of a ban that i dint use for 90days. and then 1 acct strictly used for 1 subreddit.
only 1 survived but its still flagged by reddit, but have no ban on it right now. creating mroe than 1 acct just puts people at risk of getting banned.