No shit Sherlock.
We used to have free speech and an open internet in the UK. Now I need a VPN to access Lemmy.zip because Labour has turned Britain into an Orwellian Nightmare.
No shit Sherlock.
Good. My air con controls are actual buttons and I can use them without looking at them. But literally everything else in the car is controlled by a touch screen that you have to look at to see what you’re doing.
AI is a bad idea completely and if people cared at all about their privacy they should disable it.
It’s all well and good to say that AI categorises pictures and allows you to search for people and places in them, but how do you think that is accomplished? The AI scan and remembers every picture on your phone. Same with email summaries. It’s reading your emails too.
The ONLY assurance that this data isn’t being sent back to HQ is the companies word that it isn’t. And being closed source we have no possible way of auditing their use of data to see if that’s true.
Do you trust Apple and/or Google? Because you shouldn’t.
Especially now when setting up a new AI capable iPhone or iPad Apple Intelligence is enabled by DEFAULT.
It should be OPT-IN, not opt-out.
All AI can ever really do is invade your privacy and make humans even more stupid than they are already. Now they don’t even have to go to a search engine to look for things. They ask the AI and blindly believe what ever bullshit it regurgitates at them.
AI is dangerous on many levels because soon it will be deciding who gets hired for a new job, who gets seen first in the ER and who gets that heart transplant, and who dies.
Living under an authoritarian government now in the UK I’d like to think I’d be just as anti-government then as I am now.
Lemmy.zip is blocked in the UK.
Lemmy is more important to those of us that live in countries without free speech. Like the UK. It’s still unreal that I can type that and it’s completely true. Although it’s more unreal that thanks to government censorship I need a VPN to access this site at all.
It always was.
My ONLY problem with the left is they preach tolerance but are ALWAYS the ones to start the abuse, insults, name calling and threats when they are disagreed with.
On a place light Reddit most subs will just ban you for showing any right leaning opinions. Or any opinion that goes against their narrative. That’s not what tolerance is.
Seriously though, who still uses Reddit? It’s nothing but a left wing echo chamber, just like BlueSky.
Like I’ve said. The first one was definitely a WAVE. But as that doesn’t suit the anti-right narrative then I’ll let you keep believing you’re right.
No I didn’t. Not being American why would I. Just seen the video online.
Video I’ve seen has been paused just at the right (or wrong) time to suit the narrative. He was waving at the inauguration. I don’t know about another time.
But to my knowledge he hasn’t invaded Poland or started gassing Jews so I think the Nazi label is a tad unfair.
I’ve seen the video of him WAVING but I haven’t seen him do it a second time.
Since when does being right-wing make you a Nazi?
Nazi’s are far-right to the extreme, Musk and Trump are Right-Wing. Nothing more. Disagreeing with them doesn’t make them Nazi’s and calling them Nazi’s actually says more about that persons intolerance than they think it does.
My dad genuinely thinks Google is the internet. Every time he gets a new device he what’s me to put “Google” on it.
What he really means is a web browser but to this day he refers to all web browsers as Google. We were in Curry’s and he actually asked the salesman “does it come with Google.”
I wish I had my camera in-hand because the look on his face was priceless.