Hey, thanks! I don’t know if I can use Firefox at work. I’ll have to see. Could be a good time to push Firefox there.
25+ yr Java/JS dev
Linux novice - running Ubuntu (no windows/mac)
Hey, thanks! I don’t know if I can use Firefox at work. I’ll have to see. Could be a good time to push Firefox there.
As I recall, the answer is yes, as long as you make the Pi your DHCP provider or assign static IP. I was using it in the opposite way to block certain sites from certain devices. But my kids are old enough now that I haven’t done it in a couple of years.
I don’t know if it’s related, but an extension we use at work called Redirector was just disabled a few weeks ago for being “unsupported.” It’s the only reason I even used Chrome, so I guess I can go back to Safari. At home I only use Firefox.
They’ve grown up in a culture which literally says we are all wicked and only god can fix it. It not only excuses their own failings, but tells them to accept wickedness in others as a lapse in faith, not a moral failing. And that absence of faith is embracing wickedness. See: fucking everything.
The damage this causes will never be undone.
That’s a spree killer.
Nowhere does God in the New Testament give man the authority to kill another man.
Why is it always this bullshit? God giving people the authority to kill one another, or not. Not everyone is Christian and laws shouldn’t be dictated by religion.
Just fucking say it’s wrong. Make that argument because once you bring religion into it, you’ve already lost. God says whatever the people following him want him to say. Every time.
With the Whigs, there was a total realignment of politics based on the single issue of slavery, which led to immediate civil war. That doesn’t seem like it really contradicts my point.
Couldn’t agree more. Especially that last part. New doesn’t mean better. We can hope.
The two party system can’t collapse without taking the whole government down with it. It’s baked into the constitution. Not in words as such, but in mathematical reality. I just want to be real about “realistic outcomes.” Fix the parties or rewrite the whole fucking shebang.
And that second option—there is a lot unsaid there about how that comes about, but it’s not by everyone embracing universal brotherhood and sisterhood and mutually agreeing on a better way.
Vaccination Status
Unvaccinated or Unknown: 94%
One MMR dose: 4%
Two MMR doses: 2%
Huh. That’s weird. Maybe they can post their Vitamin A status, too.
That is not doing something. That is signing up to receive spam. But I’ll pray this petition is different. Which is doubly useless, being an atheist and all.
Is this a garbage Change.org petition with all the weight of a ‘Which Hogwarts House Are You?’ quiz—just a social engineering trap to sell your data and flood your inbox?
Look, I want that fucker out of office more than anyone, but these petitions are worthless. Stop citing them like they matter. Signing one isn’t activism—it’s the political equivalent of ‘thoughts and prayers.’
Well fuck. Time for a new platform.
… and nothing of value was lost.