Have yall thought that it’s maybe possible he did it not because he’s a Nazi, but to troll people and spark outrage?
He’d still be a piece of shit for throwing a Nazi salute during the inauguration of a US president.
There’s zero excuse for him to do this, stop defending fascists.
Sure. But is it the same level of bad if the was trolling vs if he was actually a Nazi. I would argue both are bad, but one is def worse. I wholeheartedly believe that you are completely wacko if you think both are equal.
Dont look at any evidence pointing at the fact he is a nazi, like how he just backed a party that wants to have constitution changed so secret police can do raids without any legal requirement. Sure seems trolly to me to back a party like that. A man with numerous nazi sympathies. Very trolly. would also be incredebly troll if there was more evidence pointing at the fact he harbours nazi sympathies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDyPSKLy5E4&t=706s Oh no look an entire video showing he really hates nazis and was just trolling. Done a year ago.
Why are you dodging? We are not arguing if he is trolling or not anymore. I have completely shifted the argument towards determining if trolling with a nazi salute (if he was hypothetically trolling) was equally as bad as him being a Nazi.
Please go back and read my comments above.
Open your eyes and look at the backlash and take two seconds to take it in. The answer is all around you. No its not as bad as being a literal nazi and its forgivable if some dumb ass kids do it to be edgelords. can’t stop it, dumb kids do tons of stupid things since they are literally by the pure defintion of the word mentally underdeveloped to the point of being deficet, stupid and not of sound body or mind compared to adults. Which is why kids dont get to drink, drive, vote, take real responsibility for their actions, work full time or own guns.
It is very bad when a big public figure and a politican does it at an inauguration. And then doesn’t apolagize. Especially if he has made tweets like responding “actual truth” to posts that say “da joos are importing all the immigrants that ruin america”(paraphrased but an actual, real thing that happened)
Thank you. That’s all I was arguing. Was that so hard?
Glad we agree musk is a nazi piece of shit and everyone defending him is stupid.
He probably did it to troll people and spark outrage but that does not mean that he isn’t also a Nazi / fascist.
I also think he did it for lolz and outrage, but I kinda doubt he’s really a Nazi. idk
Who cares if he did it to troll or is actually a Nazi? Either way he’s a rich person with immense power signalling that he might be, and that’s just as bad. Emboldening Nazis as a troll gives them cover to “joke” about it as well.
Also, he was in Germany recently defending Nazis, so he’s definitely a Nazi.
That’s reasonable. I still have my doubts about him being a Nazi tho.