In the Indian state of Bihar, a black market for booze runs rampant, making millions — and killing people in the process.
It’s easier to pass a half assed alcohol prohibition than to solve the root problems of violence against women.
Sounds like the USA back in the 1910s. The anti-saloon league promoted prohibition to solve domestic violence, but it’s replaced with organized crime.
The world’s biggest “prohibition experiment” is the worldwide failure of the “war on drugs”.
And, while this situation in India is terrible and should be corrected, drug prohibition still has much wider and much worse consequences with no correction in sight.
How many times do we need to learn the same lesson about prohibition? Although it did help a lot to reduce domestic violence according to the article. Getting rid of forced marriage instead of alcohol would have been a better option but we should celebrate small victories I guess…
Who could have seen this coming! If someone would have just tried this experiment before and found out that the results are terrible.