Then I’d have to wear clothes.
Or what? The trees will yell at you that can’t be naked in front of their saplings?
the bushes will grow binoculars
People with binoculars tend to generally have a hard time complaining to others that you were too naked.
imagine wasting all that land by only growing fucking grass on it
There’s a window in front of my kitchen sink at my current house. I’ve been there for over a year and never once opened those blinds.
I used to live in an apartment building that had the sink window facing my neighbor’s sink window.
It’s not even that good of a view, it’s just a giant flat lawn. At least plant some flowers if you aren’t going to let the forest grow in.
That’s clearly a golf course photoshopped in
washing dishes while some asshole slices his fucking golf balls into your living room, this is a great concept