They can’t be beaten by voting for blue oligarchs. He implies voting for the blue ones will get rid of the red ones.
he does not. He’s arguing for collective action, once that is on the table blue or red will have to answer to demands of the many. So, no, he’s not asking to vote blue, he’s asking to grab pitchforks… that guy is Independent and caucused with dems but he never shied away from lambasting Dems.
Right now, he’s not asking to vote blue because it’s not an election. He’ll be singing a different tune in about a year and a half
is there a party capable of carrying the election outside of the two? I can guarantee that if viable party was formed with progressive program he’d dump Dems… As it stands american electoral system forces him to support one of the two evils. For goodness sake they’ve torpedoed him twice now… so I don’t think it’s alegiance… it’s sheer pragmatism.
They didn’t torpedo him, he was a sheepdog from the get go. Every election since Reagan, the DNC has had a party sheepdog to keep disenfranchised voters herded up and contained in the party with the illusion that they will someday have a seat at the table.